

Dullpain is a side-scrolling, interaction, and storytelling game. Playing as Jingwen, a young boss of a long-established repair shop, you need to repair not only everyday items, also memories. You can enjoy dull-pain and breathtaking stories in different time and space and redefine the end of story.

~夏促来临~ 好久没做活动了~来整个新活~ 截止7月30日前,在我的游戏STEAM商店页留下任意评测,即可领取相应游戏的周边。 《修理行》——可获得双女主徽章一对。 《爱人Lover》——可获得何诗问钥匙扣或方扶蕖立牌任选。 《依依》——可获得明信片或固体香片。 参与方式: ①在对应的游戏STEAM商店页写下评测, ②加群:701378368,私信群主 祝大家游戏开心!生活开心! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42918195/a5c27424a23f89ed1bd90f105667d6aaf2e4bbe9.jpg[/img]