
DYING: Reborn

DYING: Reborn is a first-person Room Escape puzzle game in which players must tackle all kinds of puzzles in a series of dark and eerie environments. Gameplay revolves around collecting, discovering and putting together pieces of a twisted story that will make your hair stand on end...

[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31373766/2965186fd9009bd42ab05112880082b2c8ea879c.jpg[/img] Hi 各位玩家好! 新年将至,为大家带来开发最近情报~ 这段期间技术组们正全心完成《临终:重生试炼》的VR功能适配。 目前已经适配完大部分的关卡内容; 剩下关卡的适配大概2周能完成; 然后其中的迭代测试和修正的时间大概2周; 我们估计在3月底开发完毕; 计划顺利的话将在4月为大家带来更带感的VR体验。 [spoiler]程序爸爸:咕咕咕咕咕?[/spoiler] [b]感谢陪伴,诚祝所有玩家情人节&新年快乐![/b] (ง ˙ω˙)ว 配上一个可爱的表情