子夜之章:历史的终局~MidNights of Desperado~

The protagonist of this lonely life is you. You leave your hometown and come to a strange world. The world is prosperous and cold, strange but real. You may like it or wish you could tear it to pieces. The good news is, you have the choice!

在寻遍一些手段之后,我们修复了游戏中时不时[u]桌子椅子电脑NPC发生像素偏移抖动[/u]的问题 修复的代价是未知的 目前测试结果正常,但是我们也只进行了初步的测试... [b]该项修复可能将会引入不稳定的各种bug情况,包括某些场合下,画面剧烈抖动,帧数严重下降,时间延迟等 如有发现情况,请立刻通知作者![/b] 谢谢大家!