

Use assault rifle against the magician! Or use the martial arts to smash the machine armor! Purify your blood, upgrade your skills, bring your favorite characters into the world of reincarnation! Players will operate through mouse or keyboard, adventure in a world of different styles!

1.补全了曹魏势力的剧情,玩家现在可以夺取绿林山寨并打下基业。 2.新的属性加成道具与套装正等待您的获取。 3.添加了第一幕旧城区投递信箱后的剧情(前往居民房间) 4.在完成龙腾大陆主线剧情后,玩家和李大牛将获得新的成长性技能。 5.添加了新的Bug